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Writer's pictureHina Siddiqui

Vanya: Scenes 2 & 3

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

Continued from here


Speaking Parts:

King, Guards, Vanya

Other Characters:

Shoal of Vodyanoy Dancers: 10

Kings Attendants: 2-3

Scene opens to an underwater space created through light effects. Large white sheets of cloth or paper are seen littered here and there. There are soap suds. If a machine can be used to actually let foam spread through the space, that would be great too. In the centre on a raised platform sits the King of the Vodyanoy. He isn’t happy and sits with a slouch and a grumpy expression. Can be denoted with a crown, a golden cape and sceptre. He is being attended by 2-3 vodyanoy – one pressing his legs, one feeding him and the third combing his hair. A large shoal of vodyanoy are doing a dance.

Dance of Vodyanoy: 2-3 mins

  • The Vodyanoy gather and do a courtly but silly dance

  • Soap-suds start falling on them and they slip or get caught in them

  • They attempt to remove them from the place, but can’t quite manage

As the dance ends, the guards enter with Vanya. Dancers clear out.


What is this now? The humans aren’t satisfied with throwing their waste in my lake? Now they have started throwing in their children as well?

Guard 1

Your Majesty, we found this boy trying swimming in the shallow waters.


(sarcastically) And you thought, this will be a great gift for the King? Like I haven’t got enough things to worry about. (to the attendants) Are you massaging my legs or trying to squeeze orange juice out of them? Go away!

Guard 2

Your Majesty, we just thought it was strange to have a human swim in the lake at this time of the year.

Guard 1

It is still winter and the water is very cold!


Well, humans aren’t exactly known for their common sense.

Guard 1

(confused) So what do we do with him?


Feed him to the sea-cows.


Please, your Majesty, I need to pass through your kingdom. I have to reach the magic island of Buyan.


What does a human child want to do on Buyan?

The stage can darken or the actors can mime and mimic what the narrator says.


And so Vanya told the Vodyanoy King the sad tale. He recounted how Morozko caused a snowstorm and how the children had disappeared. And he told the King of his plan to cross the elements and bring the children back.


You think a child like you can beat Morozko the ice demon?


I can try...


No, I think it’ll be better to feed you to the sea-cows.


Wait! What if I can clean the lake up for you?


Clean it up? Your village is why it’s so dirty to begin with! You humans and your obsession with cleanliness. Just what do you think all those daily baths and washed clothes achieve?


All this came from my village? In that case, I can talk to the villagers and ask them not to pollute your water.


And the villagers will listen to a little kid like you?


They will if I defeat Morozko and return their children.


Very well, clean this mess up. I will let you pass... But only if you promise to stop your people from adding soap to my lake.




And done it was! Vanya made a mop out of the weeds growing at the bottom of the lake and scrubbed and scrubbed till the lake was free of all soap. The King was so happy with his effort that he let him have his magic sceptre. The sceptre could cause water anywhere to melt. And that would definitely be useful against Morozko!

From water, Vanya crossed the gate to the next element – Fire. In Fire lived the mighty dragons. And Vanya saw them at once seated on their treasure hoard. Except, the dragons weren’t mighty at all. They were just small, miserable beasts. And that wasn’t treasure... it was... something completely different!


Speaking Parts:

Dragons 1, 2, 3,


Other Characters:

Dragons: 15-20

Scene opens to a reddish landscape created through light. There are large black objects strewn here and there. There is also a lot of garbage. Garbage can be created with papiermache – things like banana skins, eggs shells, rotten vegetables etc. Additionally use broken dolls, broken furniture, newspapers and other scrap. Dragons sit among piles of them, fretfully and restless. Look at How to Train your Dragon movie clips to reference dragon movement.

Vanya enters. He holds the Vodyanoy King’s sceptre. He walks around. Makes a face at the smell and filth. The dragons ignore him, focussing on getting comfortable in all the trash.


So much garbage? This place is filthier than the public toilets back home! ... Hello there, fair dragon folk, I am Vanya! (dragons don’t respond). What’s going on here? Why is everyone so sad?

Dragon 1

There is nothing left for us dragon folk to do.

Dragon 2

We used to be big, ferocious terrors once up on a time.

Dragon 3

People would fear us. They used to worship us.

Dragon 1

They would send us tribute – gold, silver and gems.

Dragon 2

Treasure, real treasure. Sent to us through fire, our element.

Dragon 3

Now humans have forgotten all about us. They only use fire to burn their garbage now.

Dragon 1

So, instead of sumptuous meat pies, we get rotten tomatoes and cabagges

Dragon 2

Instead of fine rubies and emeralds, we get old sofa cushions and broken dolls

Dragon 3

And instead of the finest silk from China, we get moth-eaten carpets and old newspapers.

The dragons all let out a collective sigh and sit down glumly


My mother always says, waste is just wealth waiting for a sensible hand.

Dragon 1

You mean you can turn this garbage into treasure?

Dragon 2

Do you have some special magic boy?

Dragon 3

Can you teach us this magic?


Of course, I can teach you! The magic is simple – Reuse, Reduce, Recycle...

All Dragons

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle?


Oh and don’t forget to segregate your waste!

All Dragons



Yes, it’s simple really – all this old furniture, with a little work, you can use it again.

These newspapers and metal bits can be recycled. And all these rotten vegetables go in to one pile. Let’s start now!

Movement: Cleaning up the Dragon’s Layer: 3 mins

  • Vanya rouses the dragons

  • They do a little jig

  • Then they separate their waste

  • Some dragons repair things with smalls hammers etc

  • They jig some more

  • By the end of it, all the “wet” waste is put in a pile to one side of the stage


And so brave Vanya taught the dragons to reduce, reuse and recycle... but there was still one problem.

Dragon 1

But what are we going to do about all this wet waste?

Dragon 2

If it stays here, it’ll just cause a huge stink!

Dragon 3

Let’s just burn it!

Dragon 1

Burning garbage is what started this problem.


Mother gathers all kitchen scraps and wet waste together in a compost bin. And then we add it to the garden. It makes the plants grow up nice and strong!

Dragon 2

We don’t have a garden.

Dragon 3

Yeah, what would dragons do with plants? We’re strictly carnivorous.

Dragon 1

But what about Baba Yaga? She has a garden.


Who is Baba Yaga?

Dragon 2

Baba Yaga takes care of the Earth Element.

Dragon 3

She lives in the deep, dark wood. And her house is guarded by the Leshy.


And how do I get there?

Dragon 1

Just go through this door here.

Dragon 2

And for your help, we have a gift for you.

Dragon 3

(brings sword) This sword is all that remains of our original treasure.

Dragon 2

We want you to have it.

Dragon 3

May it bring you luck and keep you safe.


Thank you!

Fade to red


So Vanya went forth through the door and entered the forested lands of Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga was known through Rus as an old crone with great powers. She lived in a hut in the middle of the forest. Her hut stands on chicken-like legs. And she travels the wide lands in her mortar and pestle. Her home is guarded by the Leshy – elfish spirits of the forest. It was still Maslenitsa and the Leshy were having a celebration!

Download full script here

Artwork in the post:

Vodyanoy by Vladimirov VV. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Draco and Ursa Minor by Jehoshaphat Aspin. Source: Wikimedia Commons

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